Scholarship to workshops and conferences nationwide

Conference Scholarships

“This conference was not only a great formal learning opportunity but also a great chance to meet with other farmers and chat about the systems and processes on their farms.”

~Shannon K, 2024 OSU Small Farms Conference attendee

“I would just like to Thank you, I had a wonderful conference and enjoyed it very much and learned a ton that I will be using this year. I mainly raise meat chickens but I plan on getting a couple steers and pigs this year. To raise for meat for our family.”

~Matt M, 2024 Marbleseed conference attendee

Be sure to stay up to date on all FACT’s programing and updates!

FACT’s Scholarship Program is currently taking applications

As funding allows, FACT awards scholarships of up to $400 for livestock and poultry farmers to attend educational events – including virtual events – to learn knowledge, skills and best practices related to humane animal management, business and farm finance, and/or value-added production processes. Scholarships are for registration costs only, travel and lodging are not eligible. Learn more about how to qualify below.

FACT is currently accepting applications for scholarships to the events listed below as well as those proposed by individual farmers on their application. The list of events is updated throughout the year. 

Contact Katherine with any Scholarship related questions

  • Farmer suggested conferences, workshops, trainings and events - If you would like to attend an livestock related event that is not listed above, please suggest it on your application. FACT staff members will review proposed conferences on a case-by-case basis and approve those deemed eligible.

Want to learn more about our Scholarships?

Here are the Scholarship FACTs

How do I apply?

Farmers seeking a scholarship should complete FACT’s online application requesting up to $400 for reimbursement of registration fees. FACT will not reimburse for conference meals, lodging, transportation, membership fees, or pre-conference workshops that are not related to livestock or poultry production.

Once we receive your application, we will review it for eligibility and notify you via email. If approved, we will ask you to provide proof of conference registration in the form of your registration email or credit card receipt within 24 hours of acceptance. Once we have your proof of payment and registration, we will issue you a check to reimburse registration fees within 14 business days. Alternative arrangements will be considered on a case by case basis.

Who is eligible for a scholarship?

Current livestock and poultry farmers who reside in the U.S. and express an intention to learn about humane animal husbandry methods related to the production of animals raised for food are eligible. Farmers must own or be employed by a farm that raises livestock (ruminants, swine) and/or poultry.

  • FACT encourages limited resource farmers, beginning farmers, veteran farmers, BIPOC farmers, and farmers belonging to other historically underserved or marginalized groups to apply for a scholarship.

  • FACT is only able to award one scholarship per farm/household each year. This covers the registration fee for one person per farm/household.

  • Farmers who received a scholarship within the past 12-month period are not eligible for a scholarship due to limited funds.

  • Events focused solely on aquaculture, equine husbandry, agritourism, and beekeeping are not eligible.

  • Scholarships will not be awarded for conferences or events that have already been completed..

How are decisions made?

Scholarships will be awarded on a first come, first served basis to eligible farmers until funding is depleted.

What are the expectations for scholarship recipients at the event?

All scholarship recipients are expected to attend sessions related directly to humane animal management, business /farm finance, or value-added production processes. Those attending a workshop or training event are expected to attend the entire session for which they registered.

What are the expectations for scholarship recipients after the conference?

Within 14 days of attending the event, scholarship recipients are expected to complete a short report form about their experience at the conference. Scholarship recipients are invited to share photos of their farm or animals with FACT to promote their farm and scholarship experience. Scholarship recipients will also be added to FACT’s farmer email list.

What if I receive a scholarship, but can’t attend the conference?

If a scholarship recipient does not attend the conference for which they received a scholarship, all scholarship funds must immediately be returned to FACT in the form of a check. Please note, FACT coordinates with conference organizers to verify attendance.

Scholarship recipients who do not adhere to the requirements above will be barred from applying for future funding from FACT.