Steve Gabriel

FACT’s Silvopasture Webinars with Steve Gabriel

In 2020 and 2022, FACT (Food Animal Concerns Trust) hosted several webinars with silvopasture expert Steve Gabriel. We are glad to provide access to these sessions for interested farmers and ranchers.


Converting Woodland to Silvopasture (January/February 2022)

  • Part 1: Assessing a Woods for Silvopasture - slides and recording

  • Part 2: Thinning, Clearing, and Establishing Forage and Fodder - recording

Silvopasture Basics (October/November 2020)

Trees for Livestock Food and Medicine (originally presented in March 2020)

Water Management for Pasture Grazing Systems (originally presented in March 2021)

If you are experience any technical difficulties accessing the recordings above, you may also find them on FACT’s YouTube channel. In addition to webinars, FACT also provides grants, scholarships and a mentorship program for livestock and poultry farmers who wish to raise their animals on well-managed pasture. To receive news and notifications about all of FACT


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