2024 Funded Projects

In 2024, FACT awarded 87 Fund-a-Farmer Grants totaling over $251,000 to farmers located in 31 states, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands. Since 2012 FACT has awarded 695 grants across 48 states, Washington DC, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands to farmers totaling over $1,361,000 to improve farm animal welfare, expand humane farming, and support capital and operational work done benefiting an estimated 1,038,600 animals. Learn more about our newest cohort of grant recipients below!

Grants for farmers seeking or holding animal welfare certification (sponsored by the ASPCA):

  1. BOTL Farm in Ashford, Connecticut, which is AWA certified, was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to purchase a glass-front display freezer to increase sales of AWA frozen meat products at their year-round, on-farm store.  

  2. C and J Farms in Chenango Forks, New York was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to purchase portable fencing and build mobile housing to rotationally graze pastured pigs, cattle, and sheep on the farm’s unused pastureland. This award will help them become AWA-certified for all their livestock.

  3. Columbia Gorge Winery Inc. dba Klickitat Canyon Winery in Lyle, Washington was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to enrich biodiversity and provide shelter in pasture to ensure nutritious feed and healthy livestock.  This award will help them become GAP4/5 certified for their livestock.

  4. Coyote Creek Ranch Enterprises, LLC, in Stover, Missouri was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to create a silvopasture-based Adaptive Multi Paddock grazing system for pigs, hair sheep, dairy/ meat goats, and broiler chickens. Their goal is to become GAP 4 certified for their pigs and goats and GAP 5 for their sheep and chickens.

  5. Downey Ranch LLC in Moorcroft, Wyoming, which is Certified Humane, was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to add a biosafe pond sealant to 4 stock ponds that currently leak. This would allow stock ponds to provide water during the late season for cattle and wildlife.  

  6. Gibson Farms, LLC in Blythewood, South Carolina was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to provide additional gates, water lines, and grazing to rotational paddocks. This award will help them receive AWA certification for their cattle.

  7. Honest Fish Farm in Walnut Grove, California was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to purchase supplies to expand their grazing program and expand pastures. This award will help them become Certified Humane for their livestock and poultry.

  8. Jones Hill Ranch in Drury, Missouri was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to purchase a bulk finish feeder to enable a large group of growing pigs access to the farm’s rotational grazing system. This award will help them receive AWA certification for their hogs.

  9. King Creek Farm in Delanson, New York was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to purchase and build five chicken tractors. These tractors are to be moved on pasture daily, provide a safe environment protected from predators, and provide a healthy and humane life. This award will help them become Certified Humane for their poultry.

  10. La Casa in Vieques, Puerto Rico was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to increase fencing to enable the farm to expand their flock of sheep to help execute their overarching mission of putting the Ag in Agrivoltaics.  This award will help them become Certified Humane and Agricultor Bonafide for their flock of sheep.

  11. Legacy Lamb in Bellingham, Washington was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to improve barn air quality and the health and welfare of pasture-raised sheep by installing a barn ventilation system to increase fresh air circulation, moderate barn temperature, and eliminate ammonia, dampness, and mold. This award will help them receive AWA certification for their sheep.

  12. May's Menagerie in Hot Springs, North Carolina was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to purchase portable fencing to rotationally graze goats and divide pasture into three sections to double the foraging space for their pasture-raised chickens. This award will help them receive AWA certification for both their hens and goats.

  13. Ohio Solar Grazing in Hillsboro, Ohio was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to purchase additional fencing to allow them to effectively manage a larger flock of sheep to better manage vegetation on a commercial solar installation. This award will help them become GAP4 certified for their sheep.

  14. Rainbow Family Ranching Co. In Sebastopol, California was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to purchase a portable sheep handling system to increase livestock health and welfare for their sheep flock and support other small ruminant producers they partner with locally. This award will help them become GAP4 certified for their sheep.

  15. Sunshine & Sledgehammer Farm, LLC in Tallahassee, Florida was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to establish rotational grazing of their Gulf Coast Native Sheep by purchasing portable fencing, food troughs, shelter, watering system, and a Livestock Guardian Dog (LGD). This award will help them receive AWA certification for their sheep.

  16. Swayback Branch Family Farm in Littleton, North Carolina was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to expand access to currently inaccessible acreage.  Is in the process of becoming AWA and GrassFed certified by A Greener World with plans to become AGW Regenerative in the near future.

  17. Untraditional Fruits in Olympia, Washington was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to construct a sustainable 1,575-gallon duck pond and introduce rotational grazing via a mobile coop thus improving the quality of life for their ducks, laying hens, and quail.  This award will help them receive AWA certification for their ducks.

  18. Woodland Valley Farms in Jackson, South Carolina was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to enhance their parasite-resistant sheep program. They aim to install humane corral panels and sorting pens, facilitating efficient tagging and vetting of sheep and improving data collection.  This award will help them receive AWA certification for their sheep.

Grants for pasture improvement projects (sponsored by FACT, Food:Land:Opportunity and ButcherBox)

  1. 3 Level Farm Creamery in South China, Maine was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to purchase portable electric fencing to rotationally graze their herd of goats. 

  2. Atlas Farms in Braidwood, Illinois was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to purchase materials to install fencing for 10 acres of land, to establish rotational grazing, give animals access to land and a better quality of life. 

  3. Beyond Organics Farm in Winslow, Arkansas was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to purchase a 3-ton portable bulk bin to be able to obtain organic and non-GMO feed for their pastured poultry operation. 

  4. Big Maple Family Farm, LLC in Ridgway, Pennsylvania was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to create a better pasture rotational system for their broiler chickens. 

  5. Cherry Grove Farm in Victor, Idaho was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to purchase irrigation parts for pasture watering, portable fencing for rotationally grazing sheep, and materials to build mobile chicken shelters to protect pastured broilers. 

  6. Colfax Creek Farm in Bostic, North Carolina was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to purchase portable corral panels to graze cattle on the best pasture for the season and move the panels to those pastures to load instead of only using pastures that have access to permanent loading facilities. 

  7. Concordia Farm in Kingshill, US Virgin Islands was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to create an animal security and safety zone facility through fencing. 

  8. Delmar Farm in Enfield, North Carolina was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to improve 15-year-old fencing and set up fencing for winter and early spring grazing of cover crops on cropland.  

  9. Detroit Flight Path Farm in Romulus, Michigan was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to implement a hub-and-spoke style rotational grazing system with a sand-point well, solar pump, and auto-filling waterers for pasture-raised pigs, sheep, and chickens. 

  10. Drift's Edge Livestock in Mauston, Wisconsin was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to construct a low-stress cattle handling facility utilizing a Bud Box design in rotationally grazed pasture.  

  11. DuChick Ranch, LLC in Cissna Park, Illinois was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to purchase portable fencing supplies and build mobile poultry shelters that will provide a more humane and sanitary environment for their broiler chickens and turkeys and enrich the quality of their lives. 

  12. Ducks in a Row Family Farm in Arena, Wisconsin was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to supply water to all their livestock on newly created pasture. 

  13. Feral Woman Farm in Duvall, Washington was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to build new and improve existing structures for housing livestock, further increasing the survivability of young piglets and broilers, extending production seasons and pasture access, and creating an overall increase in the sustainability of their operation.  

  14. Finca La Abundancia in Ithaca, New York was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to transition fallowed and degraded farmland to productive silvopasture areas for sheep employing rotational grazing methods. While propagating their own bareroot trees for the system, funding will be used to purchase electric netting and a grass seed mix to re-seed three acres within a silvopasture system. 

  15. First Gate Farms in Pukalani, Hawaii was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to purchase fence material to install permanent perimeter and cross fencing to introduce rotational grazing for sheep and goats. 

  16. Full Circle Community Farm in Seymour, Wisconsin was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to purchase woven wire and high-tensile electric fencing for hogs to better manage rotational grazing pastures. 

  17. Glacier's Edge Farm in Bloomer, Wisconsin was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to build a mobile chicken coop to follow beef cattle in a rotational grazing system. 

  18. Glorious Goat Ranch, LLC in Greenleaf, Wisconsin was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to purchase a portable water system for multi-species grazing. 

  19. Grace Heritage Farms in Fontana, Kansas was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to improve goat herd welfare through purchasing fencing supplies (portable and permanent), watering supplies, and shade supplies to efficiently and sustainably rotationally graze goats. 

  20. Grass Fed Beef Farm, LLC in Bruce, Wisconsin was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to purchase and inter-seed selected grasses, legumes, and forbs to improve the forage's quantity and quality as well as improve the drought resistance of their recently transitioned conventional row crop land into rotationally grazed pastures.  

  21. Harvesting Hands Homestead in Hahira, Georgia was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to purchase or build several chicken tractors for broiler chickens, along with solar portable fencing for free-range egg-laying chickens. 

  22. Healing Legacy Farm (Halal-n-Tayyib Meats) in Macon, Georgia was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to install a second field fence to create a silvopasture grazing space in combination with an interior portable electric fencing to rotationally graze goats, sheep, and cows. 

  23. Heron Hill Farm and Fiber in West Lafayette, Indiana was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to transition their sheep and goats to pasture by purchasing portable electric net fencing to improve animal welfare, rotationally graze and manage pasture, and provide regenerative and sustainable quality forage for increased livestock welfare and soil health. 

  24. Holly Hill Ranch in Almond, Wisconsin was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to expand pasture access and ranging space for geese, ducks, and turkeys by purchasing more poultry nets and electric chargers. 

  25. Horai Farm in Eugene, Oregon was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to install piping and frost-free hydrants to improve water access for livestock and support pasture improvements for improved forage and shade trees. 

  26. Howe Farms in Crown Point, Indiana was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to install piping to supply water to pigs and cows on rotational pasture. 

  27. J&K Quality Farms, LLC in Winnfield, Louisiana was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to improve and expand their ability to provide access to well-managed pasture for pigs, sheep, chickens, and goats as they strive toward a more efficient pasture-based farming operation by purchasing portable electric fencing and efficient watering systems for rotational grazing of livestock. 

  28. Jireh Family Farm, LLC in Durham, North Carolina was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to increase their chicken broiler and laying production by building two spacious chicken tractors to facilitate sustainable, pastured poultry. 

  29. Kaunamano Farm, LLC in Hilo, Hawaii was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to fence their recently acquired additional land for their hog farm operation. This expansion will enable them to enhance production capacity, meet growing demands, and sustainably provide high-quality pork products while adhering to responsible farming practices and environmental considerations.  

  30. Kipp Ranch of Cut Bank, Montana was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to improve the quality and quantity of grazing grasses with rotational grazing. 

  31. L&M C Farms, Inc. DBA Our Ancestors' Foods in Cocoa, Florida was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to expand and amplify their existing five-acre pasture rotational grazing system by increasing pasture subdivisions, optimizing efficiency, cow welfare, soil health, and their dedication to sustainable and ethical farming.  

  32. Lee Family Farms in New Glarus, Wisconsin was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to create a self-sustaining pasture-based system, expand their animals' access to well-managed pasture, and improve the quality of pasture for their sheep. 

  33. Lightning Rock Land, LLC in Walterboro, South Carolina was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to address soil nutrient deficiencies, fertilize pastures, and decrease pests, they will construct improved broiler chicken tractors that provide protection from the elements, are more easily moved, and increase the grazable area for the chickens which ultimately improves soil health and boosts forage growth for their beef cattle. 

  34. Mollayo Farm in Port Hadlock, Washington was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to create an improved pasture system for their broiler chickens and turkeys by upgrading waterers, purchasing electric net fencing and a portable solar charger, and building a mobile shelter to allow for more pasture access and to protect livestock from ground and aerial predators.  

  35. Moore Cattle Farm, LLC in  Fayetteville, North Carolina was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to purchase fencing to enclose 6.4 acres of newly leased land to provide additional rotational grazing space for their beef cattle and livestock guardians.

  36. NewGrass Homestead in Wolcott, Vermont was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to manage sheep more effectively on pasture, by providing a labor-efficient option for handling tasks--particularly those that allow the farmers to graze humanely and efficiently, such as parasite monitoring and treatments, separating animals according to nutritional needs, and running additional groups of animals. 

  37. Northeast Edible, LLC in Pittstown, New Jersey, was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to install new high-tensile wire on their farm's perimeter so their animals could use the entire farm for grazing. 

  38. Over the Moon Farm and Flowers, LLC in Coggon, Iowa was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to increase the implementation of rotational grazing on pasture to enhance the production of broiler chickens, turkeys, and Pekin ducks with the integration of solar electric fencing, mobile water tanks, and portable feed totes.  

  39. Pesek Family Farms in Coggon, Iowa was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to purchase portable fencing to rotationally graze beef cattle. 

  40. Pigeon River Farm in Clintonville, Wisconsin was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to upgrade 15 acres of fencing on their rotational grazing farm to create a robust predator-resistant barrier, primarily protecting layer hens and goat kids from escalating fox and raccoon predation, thereby enhancing animal welfare and securing the productivity of their operation. 

  41. Porter's Family Farm in Batesville, Mississippi was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to create a safe, healthy fenced environment for cows to graze and be rotated into different pastures. 

  42. Raven and Boar in East Chatham, New York was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant for a watering system expansion to allow livestock grazing in unused acreage in accordance with their existing grazing plan. 

  43. Ray's of Providence Family Farm & Garden in Middle Grove, New York was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to build fencing and gates on a new, larger plot of land to improve their regenerative farming system, for pasture-raised pigs, turkeys, and chickens (and soon to be cows). 

  44. Rocky Run Farm in Mebane, North Carolina was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant for the construction of open-ended coops, waterers, and feeders that will allow them to raise more meat chickens in a truly free ranged paddock style setting with a guard dog to help with protection. 

  45. S.D.S. Farm in Terry, Mississippi was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to build an automated solar-powered mobile chicken tractor and purchase portable fencing for the rotational grazing of laying hens on pasture. 

  46. Shaker Creek Farm in East Nassau, New York was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to purchase materials to modify existing mobile poultry tractors to increase efficiency and climate resiliency, while mitigating predation. 

  47. Sheepy Hollow, LLC in Ithaca, New York was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to invest in a high-output solar-powered fencer to increase both their pasture area and quicken the rotation periods of their intensively managed flock of sheep. 

  48. Songbird Hill Farm, LLC in Bourbonnais, Illinois was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to construct two new mobile shelters, while simultaneously initiating the establishment of trees for a perennial silvopasture system, paving the way for future farm enterprises on high-quality pasture. 

  49. Soo Line Farm in Pierz, Minnesota was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to purchase a mobile chicken coop that is easily movable by a female farmer in a multispecies grazing paddock. 

  50. Southern Sunny Acres in Winona, Texas was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to increase pasture access for broilers, by purchasing an additional mobile range coop, while also increasing overall square footage per broiler that will allow for additional shade in the summer and space for more movement. 

  51. Stone & Thistle Farm in East Meredith, New York was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to replace and repair fencing for their pastured pig operation. 

  52. Sunflower Hill Farm, LLC in Lexington, North Carolina was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to install perimeter electric fencing and complete paddock construction to increase rotational grazing and foraging areas and develop silvopasture for multiple species. 

  53. Tellman Hill Farm in Whitefield, New Hampshire was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to construct a mobile brooder for broilers and layer chicks on pasture, purchase fence, feed, and watering supplies, and construct a mobile shelter for turkeys on pasture. 

  54. The Moonlight Hollow, LLC in Evansville, Indiana was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to purchase electric netting and fence paneling for expansion to partition the pasture and woods for rotational grazing for goats, pigs, layers, and broilers. 

  55. The Old Fashioned Farmstead in Alachua, Florida was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to improve the quality of pasture and woods by increasing animal welfare for their pigs by purchasing farrowing huts for their sows and piglets to better protect them from extreme weather changes. 

  56. The Pasturage, LLC in Montague, Michigan was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to purchase lowland hay pasture seed mix and hire custom labor to rejuvenate pasture for turkeys, broiler chickens, laying hens, and AWA & Certified grassfed sheep. 

  57. The Woven Trifecta in Whitehall, Michigan was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to purchase additional portable fencing to expand pasture for rotational grazing; installing additional irrigation to irrigate pasture as needed and keep livestock watered without hauling water. 

  58. Tim Auld of Lockhart, Texas was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to purchase portable electric fencing, a charger, and mobile water troughs to adaptively graze sheep, poultry, swine, and cattle on native range with annual cool season cover crops. 

  59. Track Farms, LLC in Frankfort, Illinois was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to construct 10 chicken tractors to raise pasture broilers, run a water line to the pasture, and purchase feeders and waterers for each chicken tractor. 

  60. Two Herons Farm in Portland, Connecticut was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to purchase fencing to transition to a multi-species rotational grazing system for livestock including goats, sheep, and chickens. 

  61. Venture Valley Farm in Carlisle, Pennsylvania was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to include planting trees in their pastures which will provide shade, improve forage, and extend the grazing season; and installing fencing to divide five existing pastures into 15, allowing for longer rest periods and healthier pasture management overall. 

  62. Vine and Virtue Farm in Seymour, Wisconsin was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to improve the welfare of their broiler and layer chickens, and future pastured animals, by installing infrastructure to supply water to the animals on pasture. 

  63. Whispering Grass Farm in Greenfield, Ohio was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to purchase a Hustler chainless mounted hay bale unroller to improve pasture fertility, reduce hay wastage, and ensure that the less dominant animals in their dairy herd get more equitable access to feed in the winter and dry summer months. 

  64. Wild East Farm in Marion, North Carolina was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to purchase mobile grain bins to store bulk feed in the pasture for their organic-fed poultry and pork enterprises. 

  65. Wild Texan Farm in Jourdanton, Texas was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to purchase portable electric netting and materials to build mobile shelters for rotationally grazing pigs, sheep, and laying hens on pasture. 

  66. Will O’ the Winds Farm in Washburn, Wisconsin was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to purchase portable fencing and shelters to increase our rotation of hogs on pasture from monthly to weekly. 

  67. Willowbrook Farms, LLC in Cassopolis, Michigan was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to purchase fence posts to create a larger area on their acreage to rotationally graze animals in addition to digging water lines to get water access to a wooded area for our pastured livestock. 

  68. Willow Pond Sheep Farm in Gardiner, New York was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to install piping to supply water to their pasture-raised dairy ewes and meat lambs. 

  69. Wonder Valley Farm, LLC in Olympia, Washington was awarded a Fund-a-Farmer grant to install a water pipe the length of their 20-acre field so they can move toward rotational grazing for their herd of beef cattle. 


2025 Funded Projects


2023 Funded Projects